Baraboo, WI 53913
Directly across from the Steinke Basin Parking Lot
Packet Pickup
Bib pickup:
- Friday Night Check-in - from 3:00 - 6:00PM at the Start/Finish
- Saturday - Race day - Opens at 5:00AM
Race Start Times
50K/50M - 5:30AM
26.2M - 6:15AM
13.1M - 7:00AM
10K - 8:00AM

Course Overview
General DWD Course Information: It's run on single-track, gravel road, grass, paved trail, golf course cart paths and even some off-trail.
Is the trail as tough as advertised? Yes and No. It’s no run down a nature trail (but at times it is just that!) Some big hills but no supplemental oxygen is needed. Our descriptions are a disclaimer. All in all, a great run in a beautiful environment...with stupid spots to make it memorable, but it is a run, not an obstacle mud run race..
Aid Stations & Drop Bags
Mandatory Check-in (50M, 50K): Inform the Station volunteers of your arrival by shouting out your bib number. It is vital that we record your race number. Some stations are visited more than once, let volunteers know which one you're reporting
Aid stations will be stocked with water, gatorade, assorted gu packets, soda, salty snacks, sweet snacks, and fruit....BUT if there is something you want that you simply cannot take another step without, you should make sure you bring it yourself!
Restroom facilities are available intermittently along the course.
There is one drop bag location: Meadow Aid: 50M - 10/13/35/38 miles, 50K - 10/13 miles, and Marathon - 10/12 miles
Identify Drop Bags with your name, number or other identifiers. Deliver Drop Bag to the designated “Drop Bag Depot” for each aid station. Please, no black garbage bags, too easy to get put in trash!
Find bag in Live Drop Depot. If you’re going to reuse on later visit: Reinsert in Live Drop Depot. If done and ready for shipment to finish, place in DROP DEAD BAG zone, it will be taken to the finish. If not in Drop Dead zone, delivery could be delayed or require self-pick-up at Meadow Aid.
10K - 3 hours, 13.1M - 6 hours, 26.2M - 9 hours, 50K - 13 hours, 50M - 13 hours
- You will need to maintain a 15.5 min/mile pace to complete 50M in 13 hours.
- If you arrive at Steinke Basin (at 25 miles) after 12:00 noon, you will be required to head to the finish and be scored in the 50K.
- You can also elect to drop from the 50M to the 50K voluntarily at that point.
- You must meet all of the imtermediate cutoffs:
- Lake (30 miles) - 1:15
- South Bluff (32 miles) - 1:45
- Meadow (38 miles) - 3:20
- Solum (42 miles) - 4:30
50K cut-off: 6:30 PM. That's 13 hours! (15.5 min/mile pace). You must be past Steinke Basin and on the last 6.2 (white) loop by 1:30 PM (19.2 min/mile pace to get to Steinke by 1:30). If not past Steinke by 1:30, you'll be directed to the finish and given a DNF.
Course Maps
All entries include a post-race bash with food, drink, and tons of fun!
Age group awards 3 deep in all 5 year male/female age groups for all events, overall awards to top 3 male and female in each distance.